Setiap orang yang sudah berumah tangga sudah pasti akan membutuhkan peralatan rumah tangga untuk mengisi rumah, apartemen atau huniannya. Karena pepatah mengatakan rumahku adalah istanaku. Semakin lengkap perabot yang terisi didalam rumah kita akan semakin kerasan sang pemilik rumah berada didalam rumahnya. Salah satunya toples kue kering untu tempat makanan […]

How you doin’? Friends may have ended nearly two decades ago but the popularity of the TV series still endures. A Houston townhome that just went on sale demonstrates just how devoted the famous sitcom’s fans can be. The characters in the show may have lived in New York but […]

Positive self-talk is an internal dialogue that makes a person feel good about themselves. A person can use positive self-talk to think optimistically and feel motivated. Identifying negative self-talk is the first step toward thinking more positively. A person’s communication with themselves is called self-talk or internal dialogue. It is […]